
We’re living in challenging but also exciting times, with plenty of opportunities for any organisation or business looking into the future with an open mind and daring to endorse changes. Technological innovations are a key driver and an enabler for many of these innovative business models.

It isn’t easy though. We’re overwhelmed by the wealth and fast pace of these technological innovations while precious resources are needed to keep operational business going. Many established companies but also non-profit, governmental and healthcare organisations are forced to introduce marginal Three_Girl_Friends_livinghealth_212140improvements to existing processes while being confronted with disruptive business models. Start-ups have a great deal of innovation power but often lack the structure of a larger corporation or even an adequate business model.

Running an operational business can go hand in hand with business model innovation however. Non-profit, social profit and governmental organisations can combine operational efficiency with innovative services required by demanding citizens. The perfect marriage between short-term activities and long-term innovation is doable.

Having an insight in local & global trends and underlying fundamentals, knowing the wealth of new technologies and innovative business models and understanding the dynamics of the entire ecosystem of established and new players are critical to grasp these opportunities and evolve towards the new normal.